Santa Barbara Public Library Awarded Grant for Sustainability Initiatives – edhat


Santa Barbara Public Library (SBPL) is one of fifteen California local library systems selected to receive first-ever funding from the State Library to support projects focused on sustainability, climate resilience, and community engagement for the 2023-2024 year.

Projects receiving funding through the new Sustainable California Libraries grants will focus on climate education, environment-focused civic engagement, water conservation, air quality, energy efficiency, reducing waste and supporting local climate action and resilience plans. The grant will enable the library to offer programming and workshops that will help the public engage in practices that complement the City’s Climate Action Plan.

Library Director Jessica Cadiente commented: “We are thrilled to receive this sustainability-focused grant and develop programs for all ages to learn about and gain hands-on experience with topics that complement sustainable lifestyles, such as gardening, native plants, repairing, and mending.”

Through a series of programs and classes, and in collaboration with local businesses, non-profits, and City departments, SBPL will engage the public in bilingual hands-on gardening programs, mending workshops, expand our Library of Things collection to include tools, household goods, host educational lectures on sustainable living topics, and more!

Santa Barbara Public Library is excited to expand our collection of tools in the Library of Things collection! We want to know what tools you’d like to check out from the library. Tell us here:

To complement the programming series, which will run through May, SBPL will be coordinating a Sustainably SBPL Monthly Challenge. Library Staff will be highlighting local resources, reading lists and free library programs each month to raise awareness of ways we can all do our part. Make sure to sign up for SBPL’s weekly newsletter for challenge updates and for details about programs, classes, and events.

The Sustainably SBPL series is supported in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian. Learn about all the Sustainable California Libraries projects posted on the California State Library website.

Santa Barbara Public Library is a department of the City of Santa Barbara. Visit the Santa Barbara Public Library online at for information about programs and services. All library programs are free and open to the public.


2024-01-06 19:33:23 , edhat

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