Federal Court blocks California from implementing ‘gun-free’ zones

San Bernardino News Daily

Californians with carry permits can use them without risking prosecution for entering the state’s newly created gun-free zones, for now.

In an unexpected ruling over the weekend, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit dissolved an administrative stay that allowed Senate Bill 2 to take effect January 1 while it works it’s way through the appeals process.

This is the second time the law has been blocked; in December, U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney issued an injunction and stated that the bill was “repugnant to the 2nd amendment.”

Several law enforcement had previously stated they wouldn’t be enforcing the law, others shared their excitement that the court had intervened.

San Bernardino County Sheriff Shannon Dicus said on social media, “As your Sheriff, a 2A supporter, and a veteran, I am pleased to see the Court intervene. Please go to our website or contact us if [you] are interested in obtaining a Concealed Weapons Permit.”

SB 2 was signed into law September 26, 2023 by Governor Gavin Newsom which “turns nearly every public place in California into a ‘sensitive place.’ The legislation also implements new guidelines for Californians seeking to obtain a CCW permit, including a requirement to be at least 21 years old, provide character references, and conduct a background check.

California’s appeal of the injunction will now be heard in April.

San Bernardino News Daily sanbernardinonewsdaily.com Government,government

2024-01-09 03:10:09 , San Bernardino News Daily

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