Winston is a male five-year-old, black and white pointer mix available for adoption at the Lompoc Animal Center, located at 1501 West Central Ave.
Winston, who weighs approximately 67 pounds, is a mature, loyal, and gentle companion, according to center staff. They said he is a joy to be around, is obedient, has a friendly demeanor and impeccable manners.
“Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely walk through the neighborhood or seeking a friend for life, Winston excels on a leash and is always up for the journey,” staff noted.
Winston’s adoption fees include his neuter, microchip, vaccinations, flea treatment, and health/wellness exam.
Members of the public can stop by between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Tuesday through Monday to meet Winston, or make an appointment to meet him or any of the available animals by calling the shelter at 833-422-8413 or visiting
Want to help but aren’t ready to commit? All adoptable animals, and those too young to yet be adopted, are available for fostering. Visit to apply.
To learn about shelter partners Animal Services and CAPA, visit where a shelter wish list and information on how to become a volunteer and donation opportunities can be found.