Public’s help sought in finding the killer of homeless man – ORANGE COUNTY TRIBUNE

OC Tribune Staff



Police in Westminster are asking the public’s help in finding the killer of a homeless man whose body was found in front of a church building last Friday.

Officers responding to a call to check on the welfare of a man in the 13500 block of Goldenwest Street (near Trask Avenue) found the man later identified as Stephen Smallwood, 62, deceased and with signs of trauma “consistent with homicide.” He had been a resident of Westminster and been homeless since 2020.

Police detectives and the forensic service unit were called to investigate the incident. No suspects have been identified.
“We hoping that by releasing the victim’s photo to the media, witnesses will come forward and assist us in this case,” said Deputy Chief of Police Cameron Knauerhaze.

Smallwood was known to frequent the area of the church and also the U.S. Post Office at 13761 Goldenwest St.
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call the WPD Detective Bureau to speak with Detective Jonathan Figueroa at (714) 548-3783.

OC Tribune Staff Westminster,Steven Smallwood,Westminster Police Department

2024-01-10 23:44:20 , Westminster – ORANGE COUNTY TRIBUNE

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