Suspensions Withdrawn For Two Greater Sac NAACP Members

Robert J. Hansen

By Robert J. Hansen | OBSEREVER Staff Writer

Two members of the Greater Sacramento NAACP have had their suspensions over purported financial impropriety withdrawn, according to documents obtained by The OBSERVER.

Ken Nelson and Velma Sykes both received letters last month from the NAACP’s national branch, which issued the suspensions.

The OBSERVER reported in November that then-President Betty Williams and five other Greater Sacramento NAACP members were suspended after the branch’s annual financial report showed Williams and others may have engaged in financial impropriety benefitting their businesses.

Robert J. Hansen Local,annual financial report,Ardell Harrison,Betty Williams,carousel,financial impropriety,Greater Sacramento NAACP,Ken Nelson,NAACP,Robert J. Hansen,suspensions,Velma Sykes

2024-01-20 00:29:23 , The Sacramento Observer

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